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1. 一般月嫂針對育嬰應該做到什麼程度(舉例:一般照護、頭形養成、按摩、教育)


  • 尿布疹預防與問題排除。

  • 頭型調整:教導產婦如何用睡姿調整頭型

  • 按摩:安撫按摩撫觸和脹氣問題排除



2. 月子期間媽媽與月嫂的角色劃分


1. To what extent should a postpartum doula do childcare (e.g., general care, head shape development, massage, and education):

General life care includes feeding, breastfeeding, latching posture assistance, formula milk preparation, water temperature, bottle cleaning, etc.

● Diaper rash prevention and treatment.

● Head shape adjustment: teach mothers how to adjust the head shape by sleeping posture.

● Massage: soothing massage, touch, and flatulence elimination

A good postpartum doula is good at adjusting the routine of newborns, developing the diurnal rhythm of the babies, and discerning the needs of babies when crying.


2. The roles of mother and postpartum doula during postpartum confinement period:

The roles of the mother and the postpartum confinement period nurse complement each other. The mother is responsible for feeding the baby, giving the baby a sense of security, learning from the postpartum doula, and taking turns taking care of the child. The postpartum doula is like a coach. Although she undertakes most of the agency work at the beginning, she needs to gradually teach the new mothers the skills of taking care of their newborns so that mothers can smoothly take over the care of their babies in the later stages of the postpartum confinement period.


月嫂選擇 About postpartum doulas



Maternity Diet Care


家人合作 Maternity family coopration

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