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About postpartum doulas

1. 海外準媽媽該如何選擇好月嫂?好月嫂應具備哪些特質?選擇上有哪些注意事項?




2. 一般海外月嫂服務內容應該包含什麼?


3.  如何有效與月嫂溝通?


4. 若與月嫂意見分歧,該聽誰的?

5.  針對找月嫂,是否有推薦的管道?


6. 有什麼注意事項是媽媽們一定要跟月嫂提及的?

1. How should overseas expectant mothers choose a postpartum doula? What characteristics should a good postpartum doula have? What are the considerations for choosing them?

The postpartum confinement period is the moment when women may feel anxious, especially those women who moved from overseas. Everyone experiences stress. A postpartum doula could help overcome this hardship and take stress off your shoulders. The definition of a good postpartum doula varies. Each postpartum doula's professional ability, experience, and characteristics are different. However it’s clear that patience, love, and empathy are the essential characteristics of the best postpartum doulas.


Most postpartum doulas in Taiwan have received professional training and have basic nursing knowledge. Each postpartum doula's cooking skills, hygiene habits, maternal and childcare experience; as well as their communication skills being the first things that expectant mothers should evaluate when choosing a postpartum doula. If a family member is not close by (especially being abroad), a postpartum doula will be there for your needs. Since the postpartum doula would be with you as a new mom day and night, if the postpartum doula cannot provide the emotional support needed and communicate with the mom well, the likelihood of postpartum depression or anxiety is likely to increase.


It is suggested that before interviewing the postpartum doula, you should first evaluate her reputation. You should have a proper understanding of her prior experience and reach a consensus on how to take care of your precious newborn baby as a team. You should assess if there is any barrier in communication. In addition, postpartum doulas are often physically overloaded with long working hours and constant sleep deprivation. There must be a mutual understanding between the mother and the postpartum doula. When appropriate, they should consider taking turns to take care of the newborn, so that everyone has enough rest.

2. What should be included in the general overseas postpartum confinement service?

The general overseas postpartum confinement service should include daily care of infants, including feeding, changing nappies, bathing, umbilicus care, soothing and sleeping, infant problem-solving , assistance for maternal recovery, facilitating lactation, cooking three meals, soup preparation, and care for newborns at night.


3. How to effectively communicate with the postpartum doula?

During the discussion, mothers can fully express their needs, such as their eating habits, sleep time, and tasks they need assistance from the postpartum doula. If the postpartum doula meets your requirements, the job description can be written into your contract. The needs of the postpartum doula should also be communicated well in advance.


4. How should any disagreements between the postpartum doula and the mother be resolved?

A postpartum doula usually has rich experience and should make her own suggestions to the mother. Ultimately she should respect the wishes of you as new parents and resolve any conflicts before implementation. If there is a disagreement in medical treatment, the professional opinion from the doctors should be sought as it involves medical liability.


5. Is there a recommended way for looking for a postpartum doula?

While there are many postpartum doula brokers on the market, the quality of the recommended ones are not always guaranteed. The reputation of a postpartum doula is vital. Recommendations from relatives and friends are usually trustworthy, and it is always better to have an evaluation through an in-person interview to ensure you are both a good match.


6. Are there any precautions that mothers must mention to the postpartum doula?

The mother should state in advance her food habits and preferences of her family members, and the way of taking care of your newborn. Whether there is a plan for breastfeeding, the distribution of rest time that the mother wants, and the actual daily routines.



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