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田心里洛神淬 Chérie Roselle Essence (50ml*5包/盒)

100% Taiwan Roselle Extract台灣洛神花精華萃取+紅棗多醣體精華。



Strictly selected Taiwan fresh roselle, no pesticides, no heavy metal residues. New technology extraction, full of rich roselle and jujubes essence. Added more than a dozen fresh mushroom polysaccharide extracts to make it more nutritious. No caffeine, no added sugar, no artificial flavors. Carry-on ready-to-drink upgraded packaging for convenience and freshness.



Roselle Extract: Contains protocatechuic acid, total polyphenols, and other nutrients.

Jujube Extract: Contains iron and 17 essential amino acids.

Mushroom polysaccharide: rich in protein, cellulose, vitamin D, etc.



最近太操勞、生活壓力大者, 體內欠環保者,外⻝族群,嘴饞想喝飲料者,想要養顏美容者,需要幫助入睡者,想要補水好氣色者。



Suitable for drinking: those who are tired, those who want to improve their digestive health, those who need help falling asleep, and those who want to hydrate and look good.

Roselle is a cold food. Although jujubes are used to neutralize its characteristics, please choose according to your own conditions for menstrual period, physical deficiency, pregnant women, and postpartum breastfeeding. If you feel unwell, please stop eating it immediately.


洛神淬怎麼喝 How to drink Roselle Essence?


Soak the sachet in hot water to warm it up or drink it directly without dilution, enjoy the richness of our roselle essence, or add into sparkling water or wine.



【每盒5包/ 5 packs of per box 】 田心里洛神淬 Chérie Roselle Essence

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