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Buy more than 4 sets to get a traditional herbal number cloth book.




"The postpartum confinement period" is the 30-day period after delivery when we pay special attention to a woman's body care. The postpartum confinement period is like a rebirth for women. During the postpartum confinement period, the mother's body systems will undergo significant changes. At this time, special attention should be paid to the health of the body. In addition to rest, a balanced diet, and proper exercise, reconditioning the body with traditional herbal soup can help postpartum care more complete.


產品特點 Product Features

呵補草本產後調理組合使用的藥材皆是通過台灣檢驗把關的安心藥材,符合重金屬,農藥殘留,二氧化硫,黃麴毒素要求。每盒7包(No.1 to 7),可緩解和加速您的產後恢復過程,產婦可以依據自己坐月需求,選購盒數。


All the herbs we use are safe and have passed the inspection in Taiwan, including checks for heavy metals, pesticide residues, aflatoxins, and sulfur dioxide. There are seven packs per box. Ease and speed up your postpartum recovery process. Mothers can decide the amount to be purchased based on their needs.


準備說明 Preparation instructions


  1. 清水川燙500-600克重魚肉/豬肉/雞肉/牛肉,洗淨備用。
  2. 鍋中注入 清水/月子水/糯米水 1.2公升,加入產後調理包與肉,湯滾後轉小火燉煮40-50分鐘。(電鍋烹調外鍋加3米杯水,壓力鍋上氣後烹煮約15-20分鐘)
  3. 依喜好加入適量鹽與米酒調味即可食用。


  1. Prepare 500-600g of blanched fish/chicken/pork/beef.

  2. Fill the pot with 1.2L water/glutinous rice water, then put in the pack and blanched meat. Once the water comes to a boil turn the heat to low to keep a nice simmer for 40-50 minutes. (If you’re using a steam rice cooker, put three cups of water in the outer area. If you’re using a pressure cooker, cook for 15-20 minutes.)

  3. Season with salt and rice wine as desired.



Please use safe ingredients. Do not use unknown/rare ingredients. 


保存方式 Storage conditions


Please store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 

Best kept refrigerated once opened.

Should be consumed as soon as possible after opening.


建議事項 Recommends

  • 呵補2號、呵補6號、呵補7號含有甘草。

  • 內附乾燥劑,請勿食用。

  • 自然產後第一周,手術生產後10天內飲食請勿搭配麻油與米酒。

  • 自然產若無大出血情況,從醫院返回家中即可開始飲用。剖腹產建議視傷口復原情況,可從第二週開始飲用。

  • 孕婦與兩歲以下孩童請勿食用。


  • No.2,No.6 and No.7 contain Liquorice root.

  • Contains desiccant. Do not eat. 

  • Sesame oil and rice wine are only suitable after one-week post NSD/ 10 days post-C-Section.

  • If there is no severe bleeding after a vaginal delivery, you can start drinking it as soon as you return home from the hospital. For a cesarean delivery, it is recommended to start drinking it from the second week, depending on the recovery of the incision.

  • Not for pregnant women and children under 2 years old.

【五周組 | 5 sets】 草本產後調理組合 Herbal Soup Mix for Postpartum Care No.1 to 7贈布書

£375.00 Regular Price
£337.50Sale Price
    • 呵補1號:紅耆.紅棗.杜仲(Hedysarum root、Jujube、Eucommia Bark)
    • 呵補2號:白朮.茯苓.黨參.甘草(White atractylodes rhizome、Indian Buead、Codonopsis radix、Liquorice root)

    • 呵補3號 :紅耆.紅棗.杜仲.當歸(Hedysarum  root、Jujube、Eucommia Bark、Chinese Angelica Root)

    • 呵補4號 :黨參.紅耆.蓮子.紅棗.茯苓(Codonopsis radix、Hedysarum  root、Lotus seed、 Jujube、Indian Buead)

    • 呵補5號 :薏仁.茯苓.蓮子.淮山.芡實.川芎(Coix seed、Indian Buead、Lotus seed、Yam、Euryales、Chuanxiong rhizome)

    • 呵補6號 :當歸.紅耆.桂枝.川芎.白芍.熟地黃.甘草.紅棗(Chinese Angelica Root、Hedysarum  root、Cassia Twig、Chuanxiong rhizome、White peony root、Rehmannia root 、Liquorice root、Jujube)

    • 呵補7號 :黑棗.熟地黃.茯苓.甘草.紅耆.當歸.桂枝.白芍.黨參.淮山.川芎.白朮.蓮子.肉桂(Black Jujube、Rehmannia root、Indian Buead、Liquorice root、Hedysarum  root、Chinese Angelica Root、Cassia Twig、White peony root、Codonopsis radixYam、Chuanxiong rhizome、White atractylodes rhizome、Lotus seed、Cinnamon Bark)


  • 40g+-10%

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