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洛神花有大量維生素C和花青素,促進鐵質吸收,抗氧化作用,幫助睡眠,促進新陳代謝,清涼解渴,養顏美容,幫助消化, 降火氣、使口氣芬芳。


適合飲用對象:最近太操勞、生活壓力大者, 體內欠環保者,外⻝族群,嘴饞想喝飲料者,想要養顏美容者,需要幫助入睡者,想要補水好氣色者。



Roselle contains a lot of vitamin C and anthocyanins, which can promote iron absorption, anti-oxidation, sleep aid, promote metabolism, cool and quench thirst, help beauty care, aid digestion, improve the hot body type, and make breath fragrant.

Suitable for drinking: those who are tired, those who want to improve their digestive health, those who need help falling asleep, and those who want to hydrate and look good.

Roselle is a cold food. Although jujubes are used to neutralize its characteristics, please choose according to your own conditions for menstrual period, physical deficiency, pregnant women, and postpartum breastfeeding. If you feel unwell, please stop eating it immediately.

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